English, asked by mritunjoy2892, 10 months ago

Write a short essay on Pakistan’s Proxy War Against India(At least 200 words)


Answered by vidhzmam


Ever since its birth in 1947, Pakistan has been indulgent in proxy war and brinkmanship against India. ISI and army in Pakistan are very powerful and enjoy much independence so much so that they have been dictating terms to its Prime Ministers. This establishment never wants India and Pakistan living in peace and harmony. Under the Gujral Doctrine India has initiated bilateral talks and dialogue with Pakistan on outstanding issues but ISI and army dies not like it as it goes against their vested interests. There, tension and fighting are escalated on the line of control to give the impression to the world that India is to blame for all this and that she is not genuinely interested in the bilateral peace process and settlement of outstanding disputes.

ISI and armed forces in Pakistan are very powerful and the Pakistani Prime Minster dies not have effective control over them. On the contrary, Pak P.M. is at their bidding. Pakistani generals and the top brass at ISI are never happy to see India and Pakistan at negotiation able because t goes against their vested interests. They feel alarmed whenever there is any purposeful dialogue between the two countries. Now and again, on such occasions, they try to create trouble on the border to make the impression that India is not genuinely interested in the peace process and is clocking the further progress in the matter.

Of late there has been much improvement in Indo-US relations and consequently, Ian has become more and more foreign policy priority for Washington. The White House seems to have corrected its earliest till in favor of Islamabad. Pakistan’s failure to raise the Kashmir issue in world forums and India’s strong possibility to get a permanent seat in the UN Security Council has further complicated the matters for Pakistan.

This proxy war, brinkmanship and misadventure on the part of Pakistan are likely to continue for some more time in the present because Pakistan wants to send and push in infiltrators into the valley before the heavy snow begins to fall on the hills and the winter sets in. They want to push in as many militants and mercenaries as they can in Jimmy and Kashmir to carry out their terrorist activates. This is the only time when it can be done becks soon the heavy snowfall will cloaks the mountain passes.

The US has declared the Pakistan based terrorist outfit Harkatul-Ansar as terrorist organization, and the other extremist group Kashmir Liberation Front, again sponsored and supported by Islamabad, is under watch and may be soon declared a terrorist outfit by the US Administration. This action of the US branding the Hark at as a terrorist group is although a belated one, and yet it is has gladdened the Indian establishment. Now, Pakistan finds itself in a very embracing position as it has amply proved and highlighted the Indian contenting that Pakistan was involved in terrorist activates in India.

Therefore, no Prime Minister in Pakistan, whiter it is Ms. Bhutto or Mr. Sharif can afford to put the issuer on the back bounder. It also helps Pakistan to keep the occupied Kashmir with it.

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