English, asked by seemabharti9514, 4 months ago

Write a short story entitled "A mysterious telephone call"(350-400 words)

I will give brainliest to the best answer guys


Answered by akgalok9


PHONE CALL by Berton Roueché I GOT OUT OF THE TRUCK and got down on my knees and twisted my neck and looked underneath. Everything looked O.K. There wasn't anything hanging down or anything. I got up and opened the hood and looked at the engine. I don't know too much about engines only what I picked up working around Lindy's Service Station the summer before last. But the engine looked O.K., too. I slammed down the hood and lighted a cigarette. It really had me beat. A school bus from that convent over in Sag Harbor came piling around the bend, and all the girls leaned out the windows and yelled. I just waved. They didn't mean anything by it just a bunch of kids going home. The bus went on up the road and into the woods and out of sight. I got back in the truck and started it up again. It sounded fine. I put it in gear and let out the clutch and gave it the gas, and nothing happened. The junker just sat there. So it was probably the transmission. I shut it off and got out. There was nothing to do but call the store. I still had three or four deliveries that had to be made and it was getting kind of late. I knew what Mr. Lester would say, but this was one time when he couldn't blame me. It wasn't my fault. It was him himself that told me to take this truck. There was a house just up the road a big white house at the edge of the woods, with a white Rambler station wagon standing in the drive. I dropped my cigarette in a pothole puddle and started up the road, and stopped. A dog was laying there in the grass beside the station wagon. It put.up its head and oh, Jeepers! it was one of those German police dogs. I turned around and headed the other way. There was another house back there around the bend. I remembered passing it. I went by the truck and walked down the road and around the bend, and the house was there. It was a brown shingle house with red shutters, and there was a sign in one of the windows: "Piano Lessons." The name on the mailbox was Timothy. I couldn't tell if there was anybody home or not. There wasn't any car around, but there was a garage at the end of the drive, and it could be parked in there. I went up the drive and around to the kitchen door, and when I got close I could hear a radio talking and laughing inside. I knocked on the door. The radio went off. Then the door opened a crack and a woman looked out. She had bright blond hair and little black eyes, and she was forty years old at least. "Yes? she said. "Mrs. Timothy?" I said. "I work for the market over in Bridgehampton, Mrs. Timothy, and my truck " "How do you know my name?" she said. "What?" I said. "Why it's on the mailbox. I just read it on the mailbox." "Oh," she said. She licked her lips. "And you say you work for a market?" "That's right," I said. "The market over in Bridgehampton. And my truck's broke down. So I wondered " "What market?" she said.

Answered by rudransh9514


It was the 24th of Dec, 2018. I was in the train; heading back to home. It takes two days to reach me home from my college. As I settled in my berth, my phone rang. It was an unknown number. I picked up the call and before I could say anything a voice came out of the phone.

Hello, welcome to the service center of human feelings. You’re the chosen one to go for a trip with us.

I thought it to be some kind of prank call. I cut the line. After half an hour my phone rang once again. This time the number was different but it was still unknown. I was about cut the call but the call was answered automatically. “Sorry for the inconvenience but if you cut the call again; something might go wrong with your loved ones.” I didn’t dare to cut the call this time. “What do you want?” I inquired. The voice replied- “To play with you. Close your eyes and calm your mind. Do as I say or lose your beloved one.” I did as the voice told me to do.

Once I closed my eyes, I felt something changing around me. I wanted to open my eyes but I waited for the voice to command me. After 5-10 minutes the voice commanded me to open my eyes. As soon as I opened my eyes I found myself in my college, my classroom. I was sitting in my class, with my batch mates.

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