English, asked by juicy72770, 1 year ago

write a story about 200 to 250 with moral social evil on girls or women ​





Our country has rich heritage and natural resources. But there are many social evils in India which do not allow  our progress.

Social evils refer to harmful things that are practiced by people causing harm to society. There have been  many social reformers who fought against social evils and are successful in eradicating some of them like sati, untouchability and child marriage. But certain evils were so deep-rooted that they  still exist.

Child labour is the social evil that has to be immediately addressed. It refers to depriving the children of their childhood & education and  employing them to work like adults. The government has to take more efforts to ensure that all children get their education.

Corruption is another evil that prevails at every level of the society. It means using the position of trust  for dishonest gain.  Each one of us can help in rooting out corruption by simply refusing to pay bribes to anyone, no matter how urgent our need is.

Adulteration is  a social crime. Now-a-days Milk, ghee, butter, oil, are not sold in pure condition. Not only food stuffs, but medicines also are mixed with inferior and cheaper substances. This amounts to the cheating of the people. To earn huge profits, businessmen hoard essential grains and commodities. This causes great hardship to the people.

Drinking liquors and smoking  are social evils which pave way for many crimes. When a person becomes addict, he will not hesitate to do anything to get these drinks. Further in his drunken state, he may grow bold to commit sins or crimes.  Smoking and drinking affect the health and cause many diseases.

Women inequality and  dowry system are other evils. Dowry means  demanding of money and property by the bridegroom from the parents of bride. Though it is punishable under law, everyday we hear of dowry problems and deaths of young brides.

There are many laws to check these evils. But Unless we are awaken and decide to check these evils, they can not be rooted out. A total war against these evils like is of utmost necessity.


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