Write a story about a time when you wanted to do something adventurous but you had to change your plans.
Yesterday evening I found out that I need to be back in the US (Florida) by this upcoming weekend. While that might not seem like the biggest of travel plan changes, there’s a lot more to the story…
As a result of this trip to Florida (which is for a doctor’s appointment), it appears that I will finally have the opportunity to move forward with my plans to explore the Middle East. Therefore, more than just booking a flight to Florida, I also need to say goodbye to Mexico (again!), book a flight from Florida to NYC, find out when my family and friends will be free to see me during September, obtain visas for certain countries and book a flight to the Middle East. And as summer is quickly coming to an end, my goal is to be in Turkey by the end of the month.
I know this doesn’t exactly sound like a terrible ‘change in plans’ but considering that I’ve been living in Mexico for the past 14 months and that my Middle East trip has been delayed for so long that I began thinking it wasn’t going to take place at all this year, this sudden development has required a major adjustment and shift in focus. And I only have 3 days to get my act together.
One minute we’re happily exploring the markets of Yangon, diving deeper into the history of Turkey or practicing our Spanish in Buenos Aires and then, in a flash, we are forced to change our entire travel plans without warning. We are suddenly required to head in a completely different direction, to turn around and go home or to move onto somewhere we never expected when we first set out on our adventure however long ago.
Often times, that instant change in travel plans involves more than simply putting our original travel itinerary ‘on hold’, and instead, leads us directly towards a major life change as well. We must come to terms with the fact that tomorrow, our life may no longer resemble the life we are living today.