Environmental Sciences, asked by mrudulahn6, 6 months ago

write about cleanliness of wells​


Answered by ItzAK47


write about cleanliness of wells​ .


1) Protect the top

Build a wall around the top of the well, with a reinforced concrete drainage apron around it. This will prevent surface water running into the well; particularly important where there are animal droppings around.

2) Cover it

install a reinforced concrete cover over the top of the well to keep anything from falling in and polluting the water.

3Inventory of existing wells

The disaster may have contaminated

or damaged a large number of wells.

The first step must be to select which

wells should be repaired first.

Answered by oaishikisamanta


The outlines of a four-step

approach to cleaning and disinfecting

wells after natural or man-made

disasters. It is an emergency

approach designed to rehabilitate

wells so that they produce water of a

similar quality to that supplied before

the disaster (see Box 1.1). Technical

Note 15 gives further information on

wells contaminated by seawater.


Rehabilitation and

cleaning of wells

The amount of rehabilitation and

cleaning required will depend on the

amount of damage caused by the

disaster. Typically it will include the

following steps:

1. Remove and repair/replace the

pumping mechanism or lifting


2. Remove polluted water and

debris from the well using either

buckets or pumps. Special care

must be taken when using a

pump to remove water from wells

contaminated with seawater.

3. Repair/reline the well walls to

reduce sub-surface contamination.

4. Clean the well lining using a brush

and chlorinated water

5. Place a 150mm layer of gravel in

the base of the well to protect it

from disturbance.

6. Seal the top of the well using a

clay sanitary seal.

7. Construct a drainage apron and

head wall around the well to

prevent surface water, insects and

rodents from entering the well.

Provide a cover for the well.

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