Hindi, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Write about soil profile??


Answered by satyamgaur273015


Soil are different type and different texture

Such As Red Soil

. Black soil

Mountain soil

with some other feature

sandy , lommy , clay . with humas in it

Answered by abhisheks126


Soil. profile-

Soil is a mixture of mineral particles of different shapes and size.It includes living organisms,dead remain of plant and animals,air and water. Soil varies a lot from one part of the earth to another.

Types of soil profile-

1.Top soil


3.bedrock soil.


The top most layer of soil nearest to the surface os commonly known as topsoil

It is loose,soft and dark in colour. its dark colour is due to the presence of human in it.Humus is an organic substance made up of decayed plant or animal matter. It is rich in nutrient and is good for plant growth.Thus,topsoil is the most fertile of soil.


This is the middle layer in the soil profile and is present just below the topsoil.Like the topsoil, it contains variable amounts of sand,silt and Clay, with small pebbles,but it lack humus.Due to the absence of humus,this layer of soil is light in colour.

Bedrock soil-

At the bottom of the soil profile is a layer made of big rocks.This layer does not allow water to pass through. This, all the ground water gets collected above this layer.

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