English, asked by aditisaxena26, 1 year ago

write an article about Indian farmer​


Answered by DudeAyaan



This is a very sensitive topic which should be handled very carefully but are we handling it properly? That’s a million-dollar question. As the problem is complex, therefore the solution is also not straightforward but if we genuinely want to save our country from going into a turmoil we have to solve this problem. We did not heed to the warning signs which have been coming for quite some time. Now, when the problem has taken monstrous proportions, we are searching for a quick fix solution.  I strongly feel that there is no quick fix solution to this.

As the problem has taken time to grew, so in the same way, it will take time to settle. So, it’s high time, we must start doing something concrete rather than indulging in chest-beating.

Severity of the Problem

The severity of the problem could be judged from the fact that around 3 lakh (government estimate, other sources say it’s 10 times more) farmers have committed suicide since 1995. The main reason cited for these suicides is the farmer’s inability to repay the loans taken by him due to various reasons. The dubious distinction of topping this list goes to Maharashtra.

According to another estimate (government data) around a bit more than 50 percent of farmers are in debt. Maximum are poor and many are forced to live below poverty line. Around 95% of the farmers are forced to sell there produce below the official MSP (Minimum support price) and their average annual income is less than twenty one thousand rupees.

This is why many farmers are quitting farming and trying to move to other professions and this is also the reason why no one wants to become a farmer.

Reasons for Agriculture being in such a Bad Shape

Changing of Climate due to Global Warming (Flood and Drought)

Due to global warming and some other reasons, the climate of the earth is changing. This is why the frequency and severity of floods and droughts have increased, which has resulted in large scale crop damage.

Lack of Irrigation Facilities

Maximum farmers depend on rains as they don’t have proper means of irrigation, like, diesel pump sets, canal or dam water etc. this means that if it’s a bad monsoon then they will have a bad harvest.

Smaller Land Holdings

In India maximum farmers have small to very small plots of land on which they do farming. This makes farming unprofitable.

Expensive Seeds and Fertilizers

Many farmers do not have money to buy good quality seeds and fertilizers. So, they use inferior quality seeds and this is why there per acre output suffers.

Loan not Available Easily

Farming, like any other business requires investment, which the poor farmers don’t have. The conditions and paperwork of public sector banks are too much. So, they have to go to private money lenders, who charge high interest rates and if the crop fails due to some reason, then it becomes very difficult for them to repay the loans.

Lack of Awareness of new Scientific Methods

Most of the farmers have very little education or they are illiterate. So, they are not aware of the new farming and scientific methods of cultivation. This is why government has launched tollfree helpline numbers on which farmers can ask their problems.

Corruption at Various Levels

Due to corruption at various levels the implementation of various schemes and subsides get affected and so the benefit of it does not reach to farmers.

Solutions for Improving the Condition of Farmers

Proper Insurance

As crop failure can occur due to many reasons, therefore proper insurance facilities would be quite beneficial to the farmers. It would be better if the partial or whole of the premium could be paid by the government as many farmers are poor and can’t afford to pay the premium.


From time to time government provides compensation to farmers in case of crop failure. I think it is a temporary measure and not a permanent solution.

Availability of Easy Loans

This is one of the important factors. If easy loans are provided to farmers, their condition will surely improve as they will be able to buy good quality seeds from the market.

Reduction in Corruption

If we are able to control corruption then the benefit of the various schemes will reach farmers and their condition will get improved.


I agree that there is no easy solution to this problem but if we start working with good intension, there is a chance that one day our Indian farmers will also become as prosperous as American farmers are now.

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