write an essay on the role of the women in the improvement of society.
Democracy in India can be a success only when the Indian women are politically awakened. The political awakening cannot be an isolated phenomenon; it requires some changes in social structure so that woman can enjoy as important a place as man occupies. Moreover they should be free to express their opinion, to act as they like and to assert themselves in all departments of life. Unfortunately our customs and traditions conspired with her economic dependence to make her unimportant in our society. Parents hated the female child, husbands dominated them and the in-laws maltreated them. Under such circumstances no human being can develop his or her personality properly. If we want that women should also be enlightened participants in the working of democracy, it is necessary that their living conditions will have to be changed. For bringing this change only laws will not be sufficient. The hateful attitude of men cannot be weeded out till women face challenges and start playing an important role in society. One of the important responsibilities of women is that they should try to rear up their children in a manner that they become good citizens of the state. For suing so they will have to be properly educated, they will have to rise above narrow consideration, they will not be bogged down in the household chores. They will have to spare some time for the children who are the future nation. This does not mean that they are just to teach them books which they read at school. Rather they will have to inculcate the proper values of human life. Woman is most suitable for playing this role because she has patience which is necessary for handling a child, and the emotional touch which is necessary to work into the affections of the child. This role should be supplemented with restricting the size of the family because without doing so it will not be possible to educate the children properly. If the population explosion is somehow or other contained, it will save the country from a large number of hazards like unemployment, scarcity of food and abject living conditions.
Gone are the days when people used to think that man is for the outside world and woman only for the hearth. In fact by inducting herself in the outside world, she will be playing a more important role in the society. Women will be able to deal with the problems as they have the sense of the justice and consideration for the sufferer. It has been seen that women have proved to be better judges because they do not become mechanical in their outlook and ruthless in behaviour, they take a very impartial view, reason tampered with emotion, of all the problems. In the political sphere, it seems difficult to imagine a woman dictator and women politicians have been a great success because they look at the problems in a more methodical and balanced manner than men can. So, Indian women with their knowledge of handling the problem of the outside world should come to the fore, any try to find humanistic solution to the problem. If our life is humanistic perhaps a large number of the conflicts may be solved easily.
☆ Nowadays , women have tremendously
changed their status in the society In the olden times a
woman had no position She was only the one with no
activity in the society , but to only look after the family as
housewifeThose days woman neither participated in
politics nor interfered in the family matters She was only
to stay with in the four walls Before they were stopped by
☆ The woman of nowadays has equal power
to men Unlike the older women , the newer generation
women are helping in thr economic & social development
We must set some role models like , Lakshmi Bai , Indira
Gandhi & many more A woman is one who brings in
prosperity , health & pride They get an equal pat for equal work They have started participating & working & are
contributing towards the socio-economic development of
the nation
☆ Woman are gaining their position in the society
They go in equal hands with men today They are no
less It is also considered & found that woman are more
multitalented & multitasking than men They are not
surpassed by the men anymore. They have their own
position & gain an equal respect in the society.
☆ There is a saying, " Educate a Woman, Eduacate
the Generation. This saying exactly fits in the Modern
India. Our Prime Minister has also started Beti bachao,
Beti Padhao mission which has been developing the parts
of India incredibly. Woman are therefore necessary in
today's world to get a bright & developed future of India.