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It's better to stay at home or going back to school
At this critical time, it is essential that everyone JUST STAY HOME.
Stay-at-home directives are issued to protect you, your family, and the public at large. Do your part by staying home. Now is not the time for a play date for kids, not the time for a dinner for adults, and not the time for a personal visit to the elderly. Spring break plans should be cancelled, birthday parties should be postponed, extended family dinners should be suspended. If the NBA can cancel their basketball games, you can cancel your in-person social calendar. Please, stay home.
Postpone personal services
Staying at home means no visits to a massage therapist, no nail appointments, no visits to the barber or salon, and no tanning beds. Not for forever. Just for right now. It means focusing on your home and your health. Limiting contact with other people is called social distancing and it helps prevent the spread of viruses like COVID-19. You can literally save lives by staying home.
Things to remember
Stores will remain open. Our food supply is intact. Truck drivers are transporting food and grocery clerks are stocking shelves. There is no reason to buy several months of food.
The water supply is stable. Water from the tap is safe and necessary. Stay hydrated. There is no reason to stockpile bottled water.