Write any four properties of a magnet ?
Attractive property ➠This property proves that the magnetic strength at the ends of the poles is strong.
Directive property➠ This property helps to understand which pole of the magnet is north and south by suspending the magnet in mid-air.
Law of magnetic poles➠ Like poles repel while unlike poles attract.
Pair property ➠When a magnet is cut into two pieces, both the pieces will have the North Pole and the South Pole.
➠ Magnets are used for constructing magnetic needles and mariner’s compass.
➠Permanent magnets find applications in generators, electric accelerators, and electric motors.
✯ There are three types of magnets are
⇝Permanent magnet
⇝Temporary magnet
see attachment to understand couses of magnets :)

•Attractive Property – Magnet attracts ferromagnetic materials like iron, cobalt, and nickel.
•Repulsive Properties – Like magnetic poles repel each other and unlike magnetic poles attract each other.
•Directive Property – A freely suspended magnet always points in a north-south direction.