English, asked by umairjavedkhan534, 15 hours ago

Write down the main and controlling idea of the given text.

Main Idea:

Controlling idea:

Culture, in human societies, has two main aspects; an external, formal aspect and an inner,

ideological aspect. The external forms of culture, social or artistic, are merely an organized

expression of its inner ideological aspect, and both are an inherent component of a given

social structure. They are changed or modified when this structure. They are changed and

modified when this structure is changed or modified and because of this organic link they

also help and influence such changes in their parent organism. Cultural Problems, therefore,

cannot be studied or understood or solved in isolation from social problems, i.e. problems of

political and economic relationships. The cultural problems of the underdeveloped countries,

therefore, have to be understood and solved in the light of larger perspective, in the context of

underlying social problems. Very broadly speaking, these problems are primarily the problems of arrested growth; they originate primarily from long years of imperialistColonialist domination and the remnants of a backward outmoded social structure. This

should not require much elaboration European Imperialism caught up with the countries of

Asia, Africa or Latin America between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Some of them

were fairly developed feudal societies with ancient traditions of advanced feudal culture.

Others had yet to progress beyond primitive pastoral tribalism. Social and cultural

development of them all was frozen at the point of their political subjugation and remained

frozen until the coming of political independence. The culture of these ancient feudal

societies, in spite of much technical and intellectual excellence, was restricted to a small

privileged class and rarely intermingled with the parallel unsophisticated folk culture of the

general masses. Primitive tribal culture, in spite of its child like beauty, had little intellectual

content. Both feudal and tribal societies living contagiously in the same homelands were

constantly engaged in tribal, racial and religious or other feuds with their tribal and feudal

rivals. Colonialist – imperialist domination accentuated this dual fragmentation, the vertical

division among different tribal and national groups, the horizontal division among different

classes within the same tribal or national groups. This is the basic ground structure, social and

cultural, bequeathed to the newly liberated countries by their former​


Answered by ishikadagar7


mark me brainlest please

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