write down the main characterisitics of the tranditional perspectives of political science ???
The traditional approaches to Political Science was widely prevalent till the outbreak of the Second World War. These approaches were mainly related to the traditional view of politics which emphasized the study of the state and government. Therefore, traditional approaches are primarily concerned with the study of the organization and activities of the state and principles and the ideas which underlie political organizations and activities. These approaches were normative and idealistic. The political thinkers advocating these approaches, therefore, raised questions like ‘what should be an ideal state?’ According to them the study of Political Science should be confined to the formal structures of the government, laws, rules and regulations. Thus, the advocates of the traditional approaches emphasize various norms - what ‘ought to be’ or ‘should be’ rather than ‘what is’.
Characteristics of Traditional approaches:
1.Traditional approaches are largely normative and stresses on the values of politics
2. Emphasis is on the study of different political structures.
3.Traditional approaches made very little attempt to relate theory and research
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