English, asked by Pankajkemni1499, 1 year ago

Write few lines about house wife mom in own words


Answered by wasifthegreat786

A housewife (also known as a homekeeper) is a woman whose work is running or managing her family's home—caring for her children; buying, cooking, and storing food for the family; buying goods that the family needs for everyday life; housekeeping, cleaning and maintaining the home; and making, buying and/or mending clothes for the family—and who is not employed outside the home (a career woman).[1] A housewife who has children may be called a stay-at-home mother or mom[2] and a househusband may be called a male homemaker or stay-at-home father.

Webster's Dictionary defines a housewife as a married woman who is in charge of her household. The British Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (1901) defines a housewife as "the mistress of a household; a female domestic manager; a pocket sewing kit".[3] (A small sewing kit is sometimes called a housewife or hussif.)[4]

Throughout history, women have usually worked for pay, either by contributing to farming and other family-owned businesses, or by working for outside employers. [5]

Sociology and economics Edit

Some feminists[6][7] and non-feminist economists (particularly proponents of historical materialism, the methodological approach of Marxist historiography) note that the value of housewives' work is ignored in standard formulations of economic output, such as GDP or employment figures. A housewife typically works many unpaid hours a week and often depends on income from her husband's work for financial support.

In societies of hunters and gatherers, like the traditional society of the Australian aboriginal people, the men often hunt animals for meat while the women gather other foods such as grain, fruit and vegetables. One of the reasons for this division of labor is that it is much easier to look after a baby while gathering food than while hunting a fast-moving animal. Even when homes were very simple, and there were few possessions to maintain, men and women did different jobs.

In rural societies where the main source of work is farming, women have also taken care of gardens and animals around the house, generally helping men with heavy work when a job needed to be done quickly, usually because of the season.

Examples of the heavy work involving farming that a traditional housewife in a rural society would do are:

Picking fruit when it is ripe for market

Planting rice in a paddy field

Harvesting and stacking grain

Cutting hay for animals

In rural studies, the word housewife is occasionally used as a term for "a woman who does the majority of the chores within a farm's compound", as opposed to field and livestock work.[citation needed].

Modern society Edit

A career woman, as opposed to a housewife, may follow a mommy track or a shared earning/shared parenting track.

Regarding family size, a study of three Mexican cities done in 1991 came to the conclusion that there was no significant difference in the number of children in "housewife families" compared to those families with women who worked outside the home.[8]

A research based on 7733 respondents who were aged 18–65 and legally married women in 20 European countries showed men and women share less housework in countries that publicly support gender equality. On the contrary, women did more housework than men.[9]

Full-time homemakers in modern times usually share income produced by members of the household who are employed; wage-earners working full-time benefit from the unpaid work provided by the homemaker; otherwise, the performance of such work (childcare, cooking, housecleaning, teaching, transporting, etc.) could be a household expense.[10] US states with community property recognize joint ownership of marital property and income, and, unless a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement is followed, most marital households in the US operate as a joint financial team and file taxes jointly.

Education Edit

The method, necessity, and extent of educating housewives has been debated since at least the 20th century.

Answered by vaishnavik052


If we are going through many problems mom is the only solution.

if we come from back home & don't see mom we will fill very insecure...to see her.

most of us cannot say "i love u MOM" but in side in our mind we say it..

mom is the most caring person in the world .....& more that cannot expressed

who does all the work without any complains

##please take care of your mom who has kept you in her  stomach for 9 month & bared all the pain##

when you we are bone by crying the only day that mom smiles.


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