write fifty phrases commonly used ?
plz plz plz
- How is it going? ...
- Long time no see! ...
- What have you been up to? ...
- Can't complain – This is a typical answer to the question 'how have you been? ...
- How do you know? ...
- That's a good one = that's a good joke! ...
- Its very kind of you!
- More items...
Useful Phrases for Writing Letters
Writing a Formal Letter
We are writing you with reference to (the above order).
With reference to your advertisement/letter of 10 March……
We are pleased to have your inquiry of 25 of July….
We acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 12 April …..
With reference to your letter inquiring about…
With reference to our telephone conversation yesterday (about…),…
We wish to remind you that…..
I am writing this letter to request the cancellation of……..
I am writing this letter to complain in the strongest terms about the poor service that I have received from your company.
Please advise us as soon as the…….
Please open a ………….in favour of (name of the company)……….
Payment can be made on any basis acceptable to you.
Could you please supply us with information about the company’s standing.
We have been informed (by one of our clients) that……….
We regret to inform you, (however,) that….
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.
We must insist on…
Please note that the closing date/deadline for the ……… is 30 September, so will you please complete the attached forms and return them as soon as possible.
Any information you supply will be treated confidentially.
May we remind you that your statement is still outstanding.
Will you kindly balance your account promptly.
We are puzzled to have had no remittance from you.
You already have an overdraft of….
Please give the matter your immediate attention.
We will be left with no alternative but to (take legal action)… unless payment is received within the next seven days.
Our circumstances do not allow us to wait/to go on waiting any longer.
Please look into the matter.
We were dissatisfied to find that….
We shall have to terminate the contract.
On examination we have found…
We greatly appreciated your patience in this matter.