write key observable features of multi lingual classroom in
It is scientifically proved that permanent learning happens if the child is able to study in one’s “Mother Tongue”. Unfortunately this cannot happen in India because, in a class, there are nearly 40 to 45 students and many have different Mother Tongue.
In a class, we can easily find out the children who can’t understand the language being used in the school.
*The child will be very silent or distracting other students.
*They will answer to the questions in their mother tongue.
*When asked to speak in the language of the school, they will mix words and answer. For example, if a child’s mother tongue is Tamil and the school language is English, it will mix both and answer.
*The pronunciation of the words will have their mother tongue effect.
Some of the features observable in a multilingual classroom are:
1. Linguistically all languages are equal. But in a multilingual classroom there is a hierarchy of languages. The language of instruction is considered to be superior to the others.
2. The speakers of the language which is chosen as the medium of instruction enjoy greater power.
3. Officially the students are expected to use the school's single medium of instruction in all the periods or subjects. They can use other languages only in the second and third language time slots. But most of the students do not follow this rule.
4. The overall school structure is unable to appreciate the multilinguality of the students. The school does not clarify to the students that they should not consider their mother tongue to be inferior just because it is not the medium of instruction.
5. The students think in their mother tongue and then translate into English. So their language ability is not very great.