Write notes on Tradition of Travelling?
Tourism can be defined as visiting places in remote regions for a specific purpose.
Eventually, a travel agency has been set up to sell tourist tickets.
Thomas cook's early undertaking opened doors to the development of modern tourism.
The tradition of travelling in India is quite old. People used to travel for different reasons, such as pilgrimage, visiting local fairs and festivals, seeking a renowned teacher and good education, trade, etc.
In brief, people travelled from ancient times for various reasons.
(i) The tradition of travelling from one corner to another is not new. It existed in India since
ancient times. In stone age, man was constantly on the move in search of food but that
was just wandering not travelling.
(ii) India has got a rich tradition of travelling. People go for local fairs, temple fairs, festivals
and pilgrimage which comes under cultural tourism. People travelled long distance for
education and trade. Many students visited Nalanda, Takshshila universities in the past.
(iii) As travelling is a natural instinct in man, the tradition of travelling for various reasons
is prevalent since ancient times.