write short note on energy resources and consumption in india
In India the consumption of commercial energy is too much dependent on oil and coal. About 47 per cent of the demand for commercial energy is met through petroleum oil. ... About 60 per cent of the total electricity generated in India is available from these coal based thermal power projectsAgain out of the total energy consumed, about half of it is obtained from non-commercial energy. In India the noncommercial sources of energy, mostly used by rural poor, are obtained from firewood, dung cakes and agricultural waste. But the commercial energy is obtained from oil and natural gas, coal, hydro-electricity and a little volume of nuclear energy.
In India the consumption of commercial energy is too much dependent on oil and coal. About 47 per cent of the demand for commercial energy is met through petroleum oil. ... About 60 per cent of the total electricity generated in India is available from these coal based thermal power projects.