Write short notes on key informant from MSO -2 ( Research and Methodology)
nswer any two of the following questions
What is sampling? Explain the methods of probability sampling.
What is Hermeneutics? Explain with reference to the contribution of Hans-Georg Gadamer.
‘Reflexive sociology is a meaningful alternative of positivism’. Discuss.
Discuss the relevance of feminist method in social science research.
Write short notes on:
i) Key informants
(ii) Participant observation
(iii) Questionnaire
(iv) Interview technique
(v) Census method
Write a research report on any one of the following topics in about 3000 words.
Images of women in social media.
Sociological significance of pilgrimages and festivals.
Family structure and familial relations in contemporary times.
You can write this report based either on review of literature, or data collected from the primary sources.
For review of literature you are to select either two books or four research articles published recently on the selected topic of your choice. Write a review article focusing on the location of the study, methodology followed and the main findings of these studies.
For the primary source you are to collect two case studies and write a report on the selected topic in a comparative framework. While writing the report spell out clearly the objectives and the problems of the study and
• problematise the issue within the existing/available literature,
• elaborate your observations, finding and conclusion coherently, and
• make proper referencing at the end.
i) Key informants
(ii) Participant observation
(iii) Questionnaire
(iv) Interview technique
(v) Census method
Write a research report on any one of the following topics in about 3000 words.
Images of women in social media.
Sociological significance of pilgrimages and festivals.
Family structure and familial relations in contemporary times.
You can write this report based either on review of literature, or data collected from the primary sources.
For review of literature you are to select either two books or four research articles published recently on the selected topic of your choice. Write a review article focusing on the location of the study, methodology followed and the main findings of these studies.
For the primary source you are to collect two case studies and write a report on the selected topic in a comparative framework. While writing the report spell out clearly the objectives and the problems of the study and
• problematise the issue within the existing/available literature,
• elaborate your observations, finding and conclusion coherently, and
• make proper referencing at the end.
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