Write the format of informal letter to mother..??
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=== Format of informal letter ===
Sender's address
Dear mother
Content =======
Thanking you
Your loving daughter
Your name
Note :- It's an informal letter, so no need to write subject here,, and the receiver's address also be the above packing of letter not in format...
..... hope it helps uh !
=== Format of informal letter ===
Sender's address
Dear mother
Content =======
Thanking you
Your loving daughter
Your name
Note :- It's an informal letter, so no need to write subject here,, and the receiver's address also be the above packing of letter not in format...
..... hope it helps uh !
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♈ HeRe iS yOur Answers
...with example♈
✨Format of Informal Letter✨
✔✔As we discussed earlier there is no set format when writing an informal letter. But there is a general pattern, some conventions that people usually follow.
✔✔We will be looking at this pattern and certain tips on how to write effective and attractive informal letters.
♨These can act as guidelines when you are drafting a letter, they are not hard and fast rules. Let us begin.
✔✔The first thing to write is your address, i.e. the address of the writer. We usually write the address on the left-hand side of the page at the very top. ♨The address should be accurate and complete..
✔✔Next just below the address we write the date. This allows the reader to have a reference as to when the address was written
♨. He can then relate better to the contents of the letter.
✔✔Now since you know the person you are writing to, the greeting can be informal as well. If it is a friend or someone close to your age you can greet them by their first name, like “Dear Alex”
♨. If you are writing to your relative like your mother/father/aunt/uncle etc, you may greet them as such, for example, “Dear Mom”. ”.
✨Introduction Paragraph✨
✔✔And now we begin writing the actual letter. The introductory paragraph sets the tone for the whole letter.
✔✔ You might begin by asking the recipient about their well being. Or you may say that you hope the letter finds them in good health and great spirits.
♨It must not be formal and direct as in business letters.
✨Body of the Letter✨
✔✔The letter overall should maintain a friendly tone. But you have to adjust the language and the wordings according to who you are writing to. .
✔✔One way to determine the tonality of your letter is to remember how you talk to the person in a conversation.
♨And then apply the same syntax and sentiments to the letter.
✔✔In the conclusive paragraph sum up the reason for writing the letter, i.e. summarize the letter.
✔✔Say a meaningful and affectionate goodbye to the reader. And do not forget to invite the reader to write back or reply to your letter.
♨ It shows an intention to keep the conversation going.
✔✔There is no one way to sign off informal letters. Since they do not follow a strict format, you may sign off as you please. Some commonly used phrases are
✔✔Lots of LoveBest,Best Wishes,Kind Regards,Kindly,
✔✔Pick the one that best suits the occasion and then simply sign your name below the greeting.
▶ Hope! This Will Help U◀
...with example♈
✨Format of Informal Letter✨
✔✔As we discussed earlier there is no set format when writing an informal letter. But there is a general pattern, some conventions that people usually follow.
✔✔We will be looking at this pattern and certain tips on how to write effective and attractive informal letters.
♨These can act as guidelines when you are drafting a letter, they are not hard and fast rules. Let us begin.
✔✔The first thing to write is your address, i.e. the address of the writer. We usually write the address on the left-hand side of the page at the very top. ♨The address should be accurate and complete..
✔✔Next just below the address we write the date. This allows the reader to have a reference as to when the address was written
♨. He can then relate better to the contents of the letter.
✔✔Now since you know the person you are writing to, the greeting can be informal as well. If it is a friend or someone close to your age you can greet them by their first name, like “Dear Alex”
♨. If you are writing to your relative like your mother/father/aunt/uncle etc, you may greet them as such, for example, “Dear Mom”. ”.
✨Introduction Paragraph✨
✔✔And now we begin writing the actual letter. The introductory paragraph sets the tone for the whole letter.
✔✔ You might begin by asking the recipient about their well being. Or you may say that you hope the letter finds them in good health and great spirits.
♨It must not be formal and direct as in business letters.
✨Body of the Letter✨
✔✔The letter overall should maintain a friendly tone. But you have to adjust the language and the wordings according to who you are writing to. .
✔✔One way to determine the tonality of your letter is to remember how you talk to the person in a conversation.
♨And then apply the same syntax and sentiments to the letter.
✔✔In the conclusive paragraph sum up the reason for writing the letter, i.e. summarize the letter.
✔✔Say a meaningful and affectionate goodbye to the reader. And do not forget to invite the reader to write back or reply to your letter.
♨ It shows an intention to keep the conversation going.
✔✔There is no one way to sign off informal letters. Since they do not follow a strict format, you may sign off as you please. Some commonly used phrases are
✔✔Lots of LoveBest,Best Wishes,Kind Regards,Kindly,
✔✔Pick the one that best suits the occasion and then simply sign your name below the greeting.
▶ Hope! This Will Help U◀

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