Write the rules to be followed while writing the scientific name of organism
(all points)
Class 9 Ncert
Rules/Conventions followed while writing the scientific names.
(i) The generic name/genus should start with a capital letter.
(ii) The species name should start with a small letter.
(iii) The names should be underlined separately when written.
(iv) When printing, the scientific name should be written in italics. The scientific name of tiger is Panthera tigris.
Genus Name
The genus name is written first.
The genus name is always underlined or italicized.
The first letter of the genus name is always capitalized.
Example: Sansevieria or Sansevieria
Specific Epithet
The specific epithet is written second.
The specific epithet is always underlined or italicized.
The first letter of the specific epithet name is never capitalized.
Example: trifasciata or trifasciata
Scientific Name
The scientific name of this plant would appear as follows:
Sansevieriatrifasciata or Sansevieria trifasciata