English, asked by priyanshi346, 1 year ago

write the story what happened to the reptiles in your own language​


Answered by BiswaShresikha


It so happened that one day a religious riot broke out in the village where Prem lived. Somehow he managed to run away from the riot-ravaged village with his life. There he came now to the village, Pambupatti several hundred miles away from his own. There he is taken care of by an old man who narrates the story of the reptiles to Prem. The old man thinks the story would dissuade the minds of the people from rioting.  

A long ago there lived reptiles like snakes, crocodiles, turtles, lizards in Pambupatti forest. Every month there would be the meeting of reptiles whose president would be Makara, the biggest crocodile of the forest. Once before the meeting he ordered the tortoises not to attend the meeting and leave the forest. Fearing the horrible looking Makara, they did as they were instructed. In the absence of the tortoises the forest smelled very badly as there were no tortoises to eat rotten fruit and rotten river animals.

Now it was the turn of the snakes to be driven off from the forest .They too received the letter of Makara as the tortoises had. They too were ordered not to attend the meeting and leave the forest. They too had to follow the strict ultimatum of Makara.  

Now in the absence of snakes, rats and frogs that outnumbered than every other animal in the forest, created a nuisance for the crocodiles.

In a short while the poor lizards too were driven off from the forest. Because of their absence now insects grew in millions, growing bigger and more and more unpleasant day by day.

It being a complete disorder type situation in the absence of these animals, the crocodiles even Makara understood of being in the forest. But he was adamant enough not to accept it openly. However, all the gone reptiles are called back to come, sending them urgent messages. They came and in a short period of time the derailed train of the forest came on the track.

Thus, the hesitant Prem became ready to go back to his village. As he thinks that if  

he tells this story to the people there, they will learn the importance of all the classes,strata and their dire requirements in the society.

Yet he has a doubt whether people would listen to the story or not. However, the old man tells him he should do his duty with complete belief irrespective of the fruit he may get from it.


Answered by abhayadav0027


What happened to the Reptiles - Summary

This lesson is a story of religious harmony depicted th

Hearing this , Prem changed his mind and thought of going back to his village and sharing all this with his people to help them have a better perspective of living together in harmony and to understand the unique role of each person in the society.

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