write the structure position and function of all cell organelles
Some of the cell organelles and their respective functions are given below :
》This organelle is divided into two: Smooth and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum.
》The smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum synthesises sterols and lipids.
》The rough Endoplasmic Reticulum synthesises Proteins.
>> Its main function us to process, package and then transport the proteins.
>> It also helps in glycosylation and glycosidation.
》 It is the protein factory of the cell.
》It synthesises different types of proteins and also plays a major role in translation of mRNA.
>> They possess hydrolytic enzymes which digests the dead cells and organelles.
》They generate ATP for the functional of cell.
》So mitochondria is called the power house of the cell.
>> It contains the genetic material which is responsible for the growth and development.
➡️A number of single membrane round tubes shuts or vesicles forming the network in the entire cytoplasm
➡️ Present only in Animal Cells or Prokaryotic cells and absent in Prokaryotic cells
➡️They appear to be rough under microscope because of the presence of small grain like structures (ribosomes) attached to their surface
➡️ Ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis so Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum is also engaged in synthesis and transport of protein
➡️The Endoplasmic Reticulum acts as supporting Skeletal framework of the cell
Transport and exchange of Material:-
➡️It helps in transport and exchange of Material from one part of the cell to another
➡️It provides an increased surface area of any bio chemical reaction to take place inside the cell
➡️Protein synthesised by Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and Lipids synthesised Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum go to make up the cell membrane, a process called membrane Biogenesis
➡️The Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum is liver cells detoxifies poisons and germs
✒️The Golgi apparatus , first discovered by“Camillo Golgi”consists of a system of membrane-bound vesicles arranged Approximately parallel to each other in stacks called “cisterns”
✒️These membrane often have connections with the membrane of Endoplasmic Reticulum and therefore, constitute another portion of a complex cellular membrane system
✒️The material synthesized near the Endoplasmic Reticulum is package and dispatched to various targets inside and outside the cell through the Golgi Apparatus
✒️It's functions include the storage, modification, and packaging of products in vesicles
✒️In some cases, complex sugars may be made from simple Sugars in Golgi Apparatus
✒️The Golgi Apparatus is also involved in the formation of cysosomes
➡️It is found in all Eukaryotic aerobic cells
➡️ Usually sausage shaped, but may be (spherical , oval or cylindrical)
➡️Every mitochondria is bound by a double membrane
➡️Outer membrane is smooth, porous and freely permeable
➡️Inner membrane is selectively permeable and is thrown into a number of folds called
➡️ Cristal, has ATP generating bodies called
➡️ Space inside inner membrane is filled up with dense fluid called the
➡️It contains it's own DNA and ribosomes
➡️As it has it's own DNA and ribosomes they can do cellular respiration, but only to some extent toreplicate themselves. Also known as Semi Autonomous Organelles
➡️Inner membrane is folded inwards to increase surface area for ATP production
➡️It is a site for cell respiration
➡️Inside mitochondria oxidation if food material takes place with release of energy
➡️This energy is stored in the form of energy- rich compound called ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate)
➡️When our body requires energy we get energy from ATP to carry out our life process
➡️So, it is also called “The Power House Of The Cell” and ATP is also called energy currency or energy battery of the cell
⏩It is a dense structure located in the centre of the animal cell and towards the cell membrane in the plant cell is called nucleus
⏩It is spherical in animal cell but becomes oval in plant cell because exerted by vacuole against the cell membrane
⏩ Normally, a single nucleus is present in most of the cells but some cells like Paramecium contains 2 cells
⏩Some cells lacks nucleus at maturity
⏩Eg:- RBC cells in mammals
⏩ Nucleus is covered by a double membrane which separates Nucleus from the cytoplasm
⏩It's not continuous and is characterised by pressure of a number of openings called Nuclear pores
⏩These pores allow in the exchange of the material between the Nucleus and the cytoplasm
➡️They are fluid filled sacs
➡️They are found in both Animal and Plant cells
➡️In Animal and young plant cell the Vacuoles are smaller in size
➡️In mature plant cell there is a large Vacuole occupying 50-90% of cell volume
➡️Its covering membrane is called Tonoplast
➡️Fluid in Vacuole is called cell sap
➡️Cell sap stores salt, sugar, amino acids, organic acid and proteins
➡️It also store waste product in plants
➡️ Vacuoles help to maintain turgidity and rigidity of the cell
➡️ Storehouse of waste product in Plant cell