wtite an application to a chief medical officer foe giving me my daughter's corona virous report
Dear president
I received you letter, and know that this has been a very difficult time for you and families across America.
You need to know that all the steps I have taken have been designed to stabilize the economy and help folks get back on their feet. For example, unemployment benefits are traditionally fully taxed but because of the Recovery, we actually reduced the taxes you had to pay.
I know that’s little consolation when times are so tough. But it’s an example of the kinds of measures — just like making COBRA more affordable so people losing their jobs can keep their health care — that I’ve been fighting for.
I wish you and your family all the best, and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as long as I’m in the White House.
Dear Mr. President.
I am writing you this letter in concern for the economy, my family, and my home. I am a 35 year old mother of 1 little boy who is 5. I have a concern that I need you to hear from an average family trying to make it through these hard times. I do not expect that anything will be done, but I do want you to hear how we are struggling.
I was laid off in June from a job that I was at for 8 years making a pretty substantial salary. My husband, who was an electrician, has been laid off since September of 2008. He was called back to work in July 2009 but only worked for about 2 months before his company laid him off again and he has been out of work ever since. I was only able to land myself a temporary job that my new boss is struggling to make permanent. We do not have any insurance for our son and we are living off of my salary which is about 10K less a year and unemployment. We struggle living week to week to pay our mortgage- which was underwritten to a smaller amount so that we do not have to let our house go into foreclosure. I want you to have a good idea of the history of events that have occurred with our bank and credit.