You are Ramesh Kumar, Manager, Ekta Book House, Fort Road, Mumbai. You supplied a number of books to Prajapati Public School, Pune. The school complained that the books, received by it are not according to the order. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Principal expressing regret, explaining the reasons why the error took place and promising a prompt and correct delivery.
Ekta Book House, Fort Road, Mumbai
Date- 08.02.2020
The Principal
Prajapati Public School
P-569 Lake Road
Pune- 800009
Sub: Explaining the reasons why the error took place
I am Ramesh Kumar, manager of Ekta Book House. In the last letter you have informed me about the error occurred in receiving books. So here I am trying to explain it.
Actually, I bought the ordered book properly. But, delivering books properly was the responsibility of the workers who have joined recently. So, they mixed the grammar books of class-VI with books of class-V. It happened because of its same cover. I assure you will not happen again.
I would be highly obliged if you give me another chance to prove my service.
Ours faithfully,
Ramesh Kumar