English, asked by noorgill060607, 2 months ago

You read in the newspaper about a baby girl found abandoned at
the railway station. You are touched by the fact that people
consider the girl child as a burden and not as an act.
Write an article for a magazine on 'Saving the Girl Child 'Take
help from the hints provided. You are Neeraj /Neerja.
Hints :-
. value and worth of girl child
. female foeticide
. one million girls killed ever year
. Boy-Girl ratio getting imbalanced
. Girls will simply vanish from the face of the earth
. create awareness in society to put an end to this social evil


Answered by Anonymous

Required Article:-


- Neeraj/Neerja

Today the real jewel of our society are the girls. How? Well today those are the girls who are winning prizes in every fields, whether it be studies or it be sport and in everything. They are really making our society feel proud. But there are some narrow minded people who still think that girls are burden in our society. No it's not true. Girls are known as the family builders. They are the one who have the capability of doing everything, be it household activities, be it extra co-curricular activities.

Today where girls are gaining success in every field, still there are some people who believe in gender discrimination or rather think that girls are useless. People having this mindset actually move towards female foeticide. They through sonography determine whether they will have a baby boy or a baby girl. If they are told that's it's a baby girl, they do not even hesitate for foeticide (or abortion). The girls are not even allowed to come out of their mother's foetus. Is it the fault of the girl. No, it's all the fault of mindset of the people. In their wish to get a boy, the do crime. About one million girls are killed per year. And the only reason behind this is that the people think that girls are burden over one's head. All this is leading to an imbalanced sex-ratio. Boys and girls both are successful in every field. They must be equally treated. Or one day will come when girls will simply vanish from this earth and if so happens no one will be left over as it's a girl who gives birth to individuals. The people must understand that in today's generation girls are gaining success in every fields. They must encourage them instead of killing them. Killing a girl in her mother's foetus is the biggest crime or rather is a social evil. This must be stopped or else one day the whole world would suffer for this.

Save Girls, encourage girls


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