Hindi, asked by DOLWIN06, 5 months ago

` 2.निम्नलिखित काव्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़कर नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए: `​



Answered by karthi2623


you are a great woman on the ground in group and the other one mark and we were in 3group together for a few seconds and soil and then w and the two were together for a few seconds and then they went out what they had done to the point


don't be surprised to find a new way to find out if you're going through the following process or to get a good relationship with the company that is not in the position to the right of a job and you are willing

Answered by shivangiroy27


(क) i) वह अपने काम में मग्न है।

(ख) ii) वह पेट भरने लायक भी नहीं कमा पाता।

(ग) iii) वह अपने काम में तल्लीन रहता था।

(घ) i) विष का घूंट पीकर

(ङ) iv) उसकी दशा में सुधार होगी।

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