4Write short notes on any four of the following giving examples from literary texts.i Extension by Magnificationii Multiple meaning of wordsi Different types of Homonymsiv Overlap of meaning in Concrete NounsStructure Words and Content WordsPhrasal Verbs
Answered by
Extension by the magnification:
An extension tube increase the magnification of the lens by a measure that is equivalent to distance separated by lens.
Different types of homonyms:
There are three types of homonyms; homophones, homographs, heteronyms.
Phrasal verbs:
Phrasal verbs are phrases that specify actions. They are usually used in spoken English and informal texts.
Content words:
Content words are words that have sense. They can be associated with grammatical words, which are structural.
Hope it helped..
Answered by
Homonyms, or multiple-meaning words, are words that have the same pronunciation.
- The lens enlargement by an amount equal to the extension distance divided by the lens focal length is done by the extension tube. For example, if we add 25 mm extension tube to a lens which has 50 mm, it will give a gain of 0.5X. So, the lens's new magnification will be 0.15X+0.5X = 0.65X.
- Homonyms, or multiple-meaning words, are words that have the same pronunciation. They have same spelling and usually sound alike. But their meaning differs (e.g. dog bark, tree bark).
- Right from childhood, children learn to use circumstance to determine which meaning of a multiple-meaning word is correct in a sentence.
To learn more:
1. Much study had been done (change the voice):
2. I could not spare the time transitive or intransitive:
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