5 propeties of laterite soil?in short points
Laterite is a soil type and also the name of a type of rock. Laterite soils are those that develop in or under tropical and sub tropical zones. They are highly weathered soils, they are usually red or rusty colored soils, and have high levels of iron and/or aluminum in the soil. These soils are not usually found in temperate areas. They are more likely found on lands that are in the tropical zones.
Laterites are soil types rich in iron and aluminium, formed in hot and wet tropical areas.Nearly all laterites are rusty-red because of iron oxides.They develop by intensive and long-lasting weathering of the underlying parent rock.
Tropical weathering (laterization) is a prolonged process of chemical weathering which produces a wide variety in the thickness, grade, chemistry and ore mineralogy of the resulting soils.
Thick laterite layers are porous and slightly permeable, so the layers can function as aquifers in rural areas.
Laterites are a source of aluminium ore; the ore exists largely in clay minerals and the hydroxides, gibbsite, boehmite, and diaspore, which resembles the composition of bauxite. In Northern Ireland they once provided a major source of iron and aluminium ores. Laterite ores also were the early major source of nickel.