Physics, asked by izzanisar, 10 months ago

8. The international system of units is based on
base units
(a) Five
(b) Sex
(c) Seven
(d) Eight​


Answered by Anonymous


It comprises a coherent system of units of measurement starting with seven base units, which are the second (the unit of time with the symbol s), metre (length, m), kilogram (mass, kg), ampere (electric current, A), kelvin (thermodynamic temperature, K), mole (amount of substance, mol), and candela (luminous intensity, ...

Answered by nirali160883

ForewordIntroduction0.1 Quantities0.2 Units0.3 Realizing the values of units0.4 Arrangement of the tables1 Scope2 Normative references3 Terms and definitions4 Quantities4.1 The concept of quantity4.2 Kind of quantity ─ Quantity calculus4.3 System of quantities ─ Base quantities and derived quantities4.4 Universal constants and empirical constants4.5 Constant multipliers in quantity equations4.6 International System of Quantities, ISQ5 Dimensions6 Units6.1 Units and numerical values6.2 Mathematical operations6.3 Quantity equations and numerical value equations6.4 Coherent systems of units6.5 The International System of Units, SI7 Printing rules7.1 Symbols for quantities7.2 Names and symbols for units7.3 Numbers7.4 Chemical elements and nuclides7.5 Greek alphabetAnnex A Terms in names for physical quantitiesA.1 GeneralA.2 Coefficients, factorsA.3 Parameters, numbers, ratiosA.4 LevelsA.5 ConstantsA.6 Terms with general applicationAnnex B Rounding of numbersAnnex C Logarithmic quantities and their unitsC.1 GeneralC.2 Logarithmic root-power quantitiesC.3 Logarithmic power quantitiesC.4 Logarithmic information-theory quantitiesAnnex D International organizations in the field of quantities and unitsD.1 JCGMD.2 CGPM ― CIPM ― BIPMD.3 IEC ― IEC/TC 25D.4 IFCCD.5 ILACD.6 ISO ― ISO/TC 12D.7 IUPACD.8 IUPAPD.9 OIML ― CGML ― CIML ― BIMLBibliograph

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