a factual description of a public Park
I recently visited a new park that has been made in my vicinity. Although all us of were very eagerly waiting for it to open, it was even more satisfying to see that the park was very beautifully made, and the local authorities must really be applauded for that.
Raised on a very planned basis, it was fenced all around with beautiful iron bars and gates for entrance and exit. Beautiful plants and creepers adorned the surroundings. The floor was covered with lush green grass, with beautiful and seasonal flowers all around. There cold be seen small flowers of unknown variety and which smelt like heaven. Now I could realize why was the park not being opened for the public even after the construction was complete. The authorities were saving the day to present the locals with lush grown, beautiful ambiance to unfurl.
There were benches for comfortable seating and swings at every corner, for children to play. The park also was equipped with other playing items for the children, like see saw and other exciting games. the major attraction I felt was the small fish pond which had many colourful fishes in it, and also was decorated with various coloured lights, which blinked and gave the water a different colour every time it blinked.
The park also had a wifi zone and a radio broadcast zone in it, which also pooled the gathering of youngsters and adults. The jogging stip was also a major attraction for all the health lovers.
Overall it was such a wonderful place to come to to soothe one's brains from the hectic schedule of life.
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