English, asked by Esok, 1 year ago

Based on chapter 1 of the story "The Adventure of Tom Sawyer", write a character sketch of either Tom or Aunt Polly.


Answered by sawakkincsem

"The adventures of Tom Sawyer" is an excellent story written by Mark Twain. The writer talks about the wonderful and joyous life of a young boy named Tom. He explains how carefree boyhood is while adult life is full of responsibilities.


  • Tom Sawyer's character is inspired by the life of a young boy called Samuel Clemen.

  • He is only twelve years of age.

  • He is shown to be very playful, energetic, and clever.

  • He has two best friends Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn.

  • Tom has a very well-disciplined life and always did everything by the rules. However, he was very imaginative and read a lot of stories.  

  • Tom did not like going to school and was miserable every morning because of this. He wanted never-ending holidays.
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