English, asked by tulu336, 9 months ago

D. Fill in each blank with the simple future tense of the verb in the :
1. 1
-(invite) a few friends to my party.
2. The army
-(attack) at dawn.
3. Mrs. Asha
(bake ) a cake for us on Monday.
4. The students
(perform) a dance for the old folk.
5. We
(camp) here tonight.
6. Rosemary
-(win) the story-telling contest.
7. The police
(investigate) the cause of the fire.
8. The Prime Minister
(visit) America next year.
9. The teacher
(announce) the results next Thursday.
10. Santa Claus
_(distribute) balloons at the main gate.
11. The winner
-(receive) a set of books.
12. They
-(organize) a picnic for the handicapped children.
13. The workers
--(paint) the fence black
14. The monitor
(collect) your work tomorrow.
15. Dr. Y.K. Sharma
(give) a talk to the students.


Answered by shrujalsonara1905


1) will invite

2) will attack

3) will bake

4) will perform

5) will camp

6) will win

7) will investigate

8) will visit

9) will announce

10) will distribute

11) will receive

12) will organise

13) will paint

14) will collect

15) will give

Hope it may be helpful

Plz mark as brainliest

Answered by helloday


Answers are-

1.will invite

2.will attack

3.will bake

4.will perform

5.shall camp

6.will win

7.will investigate


In Simple future you add will or shall before the main verb

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