Biology, asked by pankajmehta, 1 year ago

Differentiate between the 3 simple permanent tissues found in plants.


Answered by Anonymous
difference between the three simple tissues found in plants that is

simple tissue a simple tissue is made up of one type of cells that are similar structural and functional parenchyma collenchyma and sclerenchyma are simple tissues

parenchyma cells are leaving and more or less ISO diametric that is they have equal diameters the sales maybe a spherical overall polygonal in shape and thin walled with intercellular spaces parenchyma is most abundantly found issue and is present in steam fruits fruits and flowers

function parent timer stores food material and also provides temporary support to the plant some parent, sales may contain chlorophyll such type of parent timer is also called chlorenchyma in aquatic plants have a space a r e n c h y m a aerenchyma gives beyoncy to the plants and help them float

collenchyma are leaving and some what alone gated with thickend corners there is no intercellular spaces between the sales collemchyma is found in leave stalks and epidermis of dicot stems they are absent in monocot plant
Answered by Vikassanjay127

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