English, asked by rupamsingh1845, 10 months ago

English paragraph on benefits of early rise


Answered by Anonymous

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Benefits of Early Rising..

Early rising is good for human, as it is said that “early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” By rising early we get lots of benefits, in other words, we have some few extra time in which we can exercise which is good to keep body fit and fine, can have breakfast comfortably and we can plan for our whole day.

There are many scientifically proven advantages of this habit, one of them is “exercise in morning” early morning is the best part of the day. Birds begin to chirp, flower open up to the rays of sun, the breeze is cool and soothing and it is time to get up and go for walk and exercise which rejuvenates the body. Morning walk is healthier than evening walk due to the fresh environment, in other words , exercise in the morning give us chance to regain out mental and physical strength.

Another benefit of rising early in the term of health is “healthy breakfast”. For a healthy man breakfast plays an important role, because it keeps a man energetic throughout the day. But due to shortage of tie people are not able to make and have healthy breakfast. By rising early we get early. In addition, people who get up early in the morning get their goals easily and better than late riser because former has more time to think or to concentrate on their plans.

Answered by sshivingupta
One very significant benefit of 

waking up early

 is reduced stress level. When you rise early, it eliminates the need to rush in the morning. You can then start your day on an optimistic note and such positivity often stays with you throughout the day.

Better sleep quality

Early risers often go to bed early. Getting up early is not something that should be followed irregularly but it needs to be established as a routine in your life. This translates into better sleep quality as your body’s internal clock adapts to your new sleep routine.
Bigger scores

A research conducted by Texas University has identified that students who were early risers scored better grades than those who were late to rise. Their GPAs were higher than the latter. One can link it to an enhanced productivity and quality of sleep.

Brighter world

Getting up early instils you with positivity. A research has suggested that people who got up early were happier, not just for a short duration but overall in life.

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