example of dimension less quantity
numerous well known quantities
pie,e etc. are dimentionaless
⏭️Dimensionless quantities are widely used in many fields, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, and economics. Examples of quantities to which dimensions are regularly assigned are length, time, and speed, which are measured in dimensional units, such as metre, second and metre per second.
⭕Radian, the SI unit of plane angle is dimensionless i.e. angular displacement as theta =s (arc)/r (radius) or theta=omega x time (where omega is angular velocity with SI unit radians per sec)
✳️Efficiency also dimensionless as efficiency =output/input
❤️All trigonometric ratios, sine,cosine,tan theta are also dimensionless
❌Similarly strain is also dimensionless as strain=change in length or volume/original length or volume.
Constants as in Stoke's law.