smoking is injurious to health
word limit 100-120
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Smoking is injurious to health, almost all people know it but they don't stop smoking . The reason is that don't know how it affect ?
Do you really understand how dangerous is it?
Smoking Cigarette is one of the major cause of causing cancer in the world. Smoking cigarette sira tly affects our lungs. People may be suffered from many kinds of diseases.
Like lung cancer and any breathing problem.
Smoking also increases the risk of stroke. Researchers have also proven that mothers who smoke while pregnancy or before they got pregnant usually give birth to babies with birth defects, who are premature or are underweight.

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- Smoking is the process of flavoring, browning, cooking, or preserving food by exposing it to smoke from burning or smoldering material, most often wood. Meat, fish, and lapsang souchong tea are often smoked. In Europe, alder is the traditional smoking wood, but oak is more often used now, and beech to a lesser extent.
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