explain durganand sinha's context of development.
Durganand Sinha felt that Urie Bronfenbrenner's contextual view was built with a focus on western countries and couldn't properly be expressed in the case of India, a developing country.
Thus, he presented an ecological model for understanding the development of children in Indian context in 1977.
Ecology of the child could be viewed in terms of two concentric layers. The “upper and the more visible layers” consist of home, school, peer groups, and so on.
The most important ecological factors influencing development of the child in the visible upper layer constitute the:
(i) home, its conditions in terms of overcrowding, space available to each member, toys, technological devices used, etc.,
(ii) nature and quality of schooling, facilities to which the child is exposed, and
(iii) nature of interactions and activities undertaken with peer groups from childhood onwards.
The “surrounding layers” of the child’s ecology in terms of their influences are not always clearly visible. The elements of the surrounding layer of ecology constitute the:
(i) general geographical environment. It includes space and facilities for play and other activities available outside the home including general congestion of the locality and density of population,
(ii) institutional setting provided by caste, class, and other
factors, and
(iii) general amenities available to the child like drinking water, electricity,
means of entertainment and so on.