Explain the various tax benefits available to small scale industries in india.
If the industry profit is upto 6% per annum of their capital employed, then it is exempted from paying of income tax under section J of income tax act 1961. But this is allowed only for the 5 years after the start of production.
If a small scale business is destroyed due to natural disasters or due to civil disturbance or the some accident like fire etc, it will receive a rehabilitation allowance .Moreover different tax concession is available for the small scale industries in the country.
Some of the tax benefits available to small scale industries in India are:
1. Tax holiday - The small scale industries need not pay income tax on a certain percentage of profits for five years from the date of commencement of production.
2. Depreciation - They are entitled to a deduction of maximum Rs. 20 lakhs for depreciation on plant and machinery.
3. Rehabilitation allowance - A rehabilitation allowance is granted to them in case their business is discontinued due to a natural calamity, civil disturbance or accidental fire.
4. Investment allowance - They are given an investment allowance at the rate of 25% of the cost of acquisition or installation of a new plant or machinery.
5. Expenditure on scientific research - They are entitled to deductions in respect of expenditure on scientific research.
6. Amortization of preliminary expenses - They are allowed to write off their preliminary and developmental expenses.
7. In the backward or rural area - A small scale unit set up in a backward or rural area is given a deduction of 20% on its profits.
8, Expenditure incurred by the small scale industries in obtaining a patent and copyright is deductible from their income.
9. If a small scale industry earns profits from the publication of books, 20% of the profits earned can be deducted from the gross total income.
10. Deductions can also be availed for royalties from any company in India, royalties from certain foreign companies, inter-corporate dividends, income of co-operative societies and carry forward and set-off business losses.