how many parts of the brain and define them
The brain can be divided into three basic units: the forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain.
-the fore brain is the main thinking part of the brain it has regions which receives sensory impulses from various receptors
- mid brain controls the involuntary actions like vomiting celebration blood pressure, etc
- activities like walking in a straight line riding a bicycle picking up a pencil are possible due to a part of hindbrain cold cerebellum and it is responsible for Precision of voluntary actions and maintaining the posture and balance of body
Heloo friend!
there are 3 parts in human brain,
I. forebrain
II. mid brain
III. hind brain
a) forebrain
*It is mainly made up of cerebrum which is the main thinking part
*further it is divided into lobes - a. frontal lobes
b. pareital lobe
c. occiptal lobe
d. temporal lobe
b) Mid brain - It does not have any further divisions
* it controlls reflex movements of head neck and trunk in response to stimuli
c) hind brain
* consists of 3 parts- a. pons varolli
b. cerebellum
c. medulla oblongata
*pons take part in regulating respiration
*cerebellum helps in maintaining posture
*medulla controls various involuntary actions such as heart beat blood pressure etc.