How to be a qualified teacher?
A highly qualified teacher is one who understands her subject area inside and out and who has book and real world learning; the teacher should be able to apply concepts in their certification area, offer students real-life examples and show how students can apply what they learn to the everyday world
Principals seeking a teaching candidate may have a hard time deciding between several highly qualified people. Fortunately, there are some qualities that skilled teachers tend to possess that school administrations can look for during the interview process. These qualities may not guarantee that the teacher is the best fit for a particular school, but they show a propensity for the teaching profession and make the likelihood of a good match more likely.
Positive Attitude
An educator with a positive attitude and an enthusiasm for learning inspires students to look at the world in the same light. The last thing students should have to face every day is a cranky, negative teacher.
Good Communication Skills
A teacher’s job is to discuss key concepts and explain them in more than one way so that visual, hands-on, and sensory learners all understand the idea and how to apply it to future problems. To achieve this goal, the teacher must be able to communicate clearly and effectively.
Organization Skills
Keeping track of student’s papers, who received what grade and what material has been covered and what still needs to be covered are all vital parts of running an efficient classroom. While interviewing a teaching candidate, it is appropriate to ask questions about how the person stays organized.
A Forgiving Heart
Children make mistakes, in behavior and schoolwork. A teacher must be able to move forward and allow a child to grow. A teacher who can let the past stay in the past allows students to start each day with a clean slate so they have the opportunity to improve.