How to find out foaming capacity of soaps?
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Requirements: Five 100ml conical flasks, five test tubes, 100ml measuring cylinder, test tube stand, weighing machine, stop watch. Chemical Requirements: Five different soap samples, distilled water, tap water. Procedure: 1. Take five 100ml conical flasks and number them 1, 2,3,4,5. Put 16ml of water in each flask and add 8 Gms of soap. 2. Warm the contents to get a solution. 3. Take five test tubes; add 1ml of soap solution to 3ml of water. Repeat the process for each soap solution in different test tubes. 4. Close the mouth of the test tube and shake vigorously for a minute. Do the same for all test tubes and with equal force. 5. Start the timer immediately and notice the rate of disappearance of 2mm of froth.
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