Biology, asked by mjabloom17, 10 months ago

In 1998, paleoanthropologist Rick Potts, of the Smithsonian, published an article in The Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, a peer-reviewed journal. The article was titled “Environmental Hypotheses of Hominin Evolution.” In his paper, Potts provided evidence to support his claim that great variations in environmental conditions over time were responsible for the adaptability of humans and the success of our species. Why might this not be the best article to reference? Potts has no authority. Potts was not objective. The article may not reflect current knowledge. The article was not reviewed by Potts’s peers.


Answered by Anonymous

The article may not reflect current knowledge. This is your answer dear

Answered by Nyaberiduke

yes in the year 1998 the paleoanthologist Rick potts who is a swithsonia wrote an article and published it in the year book of the physical anthology .

physical anthology was a peer reviewed journal .the title of the article was environmental hypothesis of Hominim evolution

great environmental conditions vary especially over time and thisnis what pott  defended in his hypothesis .this is an extension of Darwins evolution law

the variations in the environment is responsible for the variations in the adaptability of humans

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