info about working and production of musical sound by instrument jal tarang pls help me out
The jal tarang is a melodic percussion instrument it originates from the Indian subcontinent. It consists of a set of ceramic or metal bowls tuned with water. The bowls are played by striking the edge with beaters, one in each hand
The earliest mention of the Jal-Taranga is found in book Manoj 'Vātsyāyana's Kamsutra' as playing on musical glasses filled with water.[1] It is one of the 64 Arts and Science to be studied by a maiden.[1] Jal-tarang was also found mentioned in medieval Sangeet Parijaat text, categories this instrument under Ghan-Vadya (Idiophonic instruments in which sound is produced by striking a surface, also called concussion idiophones.) SangeetSaar considered one with 22 cups to be complete jal tarang and one with 15 cups to be of mediocre status. Cups, of varying sizes are made of either bronze or porcelain. Jal-tarang was also called jal-yantra in the medieval times, poets of Krishna cult (also called Asht-chhap poets) have mentioned this instrument.[2]