leaves no step had trodden black pharse meaning
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Meaning - neither of the roads is less
Trodden black. explain the meaning of trodden black in the road not taken the entirely of the line you are referring to in robert frost poem the road not taken in"In leaves no step had trodden black
Trodden black. explain the meaning of trodden black in the road not taken the entirely of the line you are referring to in robert frost poem the road not taken in"In leaves no step had trodden black
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The phrase 'Leaves no step had trodden black' is kind of a metaphor for the fact that the poet wants to convey that there were leaves on both the ways which he had to traverse. However, on one way, the leaves hadn't turned black as they naturally do when a person steps on a leaf, which conveyed that this path hadn't been taken by a lot of people. This was the road less travelled by.
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