English, asked by pinkysharmabluepink, 1 year ago

Lette to the editor of newspaper . Expressing your concern about the conservation of water.


Answered by geetz1921

(your address)

The editor,

The Times Of India,

Mumbai - 400 098


I am the resident of the above mentioned address. I would like to draw the attention of the concerned officials on saving water as it has been one of the greatest issues.

There are many places seen in our area where watee is leaking from the pipes all the time.People waste water from the public washrooms by leaving the tap open. Moreover there have been many children these days who play water fight on the streets. The inadequance of water can lead to depletion of human life. People mist be aware of proper usage of water and its importance. There must be camps for sabing water.

As a matter of importance, I would appreciate it if you publish my article in your newspaper so that the awareness spreads rapidly.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,


(your name)

Answered by SelieVisa



The Editor,

The Daily Herald Express,


Subject: Water scarcity and preservation of water.


Through your esteemed newspaper, I would like to highlight the scarcity of water and some ways to stop wastage and preserve it. My write-up is enclosed for favour of publication.

Water scarcity: What things can you do about it?

Water is necessary for life. Water is needed for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes. There is no resource more precious than water. It is also the most misused resource.

Approximately 73% of the earth is water. But fresh and drinkable water is only about 3%. The remaining 70% is undrinkable salty sea and ocean water. So it is imperative to conserve this 3% of water. Every drop is precious. We must not pollute it nor waste it. These is the need of the hour. This is a challenge we cannot afford to ignore. There are different methods to conserve water and deal with water scarcity.

1 Rain water harvesting is the best and most suitable method.

2. Prevent dripping of water from taps

and showers. Leakage from water pipes should be quickly repaired.

3. Use the new low-volume flushtoilets.

4. Adopt water-efficient dishes and clothes washing methods.

5. While brushing your teeth or shaving do not waste water. Turn off the tap when not in use.

6. Bottled water is not regulated and contain harmful synthetic chemicals. Carry your own drinking water in non-toxic containers. The plastic used to bottle water become litters that pollute our rivers and lakes.

7. Efficient irrigation system can prevent water wastage.

8. Industrial waste and hospital waste are dumped in fresh water river and lakes. The water become so polluted that drinking it would result in diseases, unknown diseases with no cure.

9. The roots of trees retain rain water which is then available as underground water.


A few decades ago environmentalists warned that there will be violent riots amoung neighbours just for a bucket of water. This is happening today in many places. Don't waste water. Stop polluting water. Stop deforestation and plant more trees on a war footing.


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