Lisa lives__seventh street,__tulsa,oklahoma.
Lisa lives in seventh Street,of Tulsa,okalhoma.
The sentences need to be filled with prepositions.
The correct answers are:
Lisa lives on the seventh street, in tulsa, Oklahoma.
According to Cambridge dictionary, the definition for prepositions are:
A preposition is used to show a relationship between the noun, pronoun, or phrases in a sentence. They are used to connect people, objects, time, and locations.
Types of prepositions listed:
There are five types of prepositions.
They are :
- simple
- double
- compound
- participle
- phrase preposition.
Simple prepositions definition:
Simple prepositions are the short words used to show the relationship between nouns, pronouns, or to join parts of a clause or sentence.
Double preposition definition:
Easily form a Double Prepositions by joining two simple prepositions
Compound preposition definition :
compound preposition is formed through the conjunction of a non-prepositional word and a simple preposition.
Participle preposition definition:
Participle prepositions have endings such as -ed and -ing.
Phrase preposition definition:
prepositional phrase normally has a simple preposition and a noun or a simple preposition and a pronoun.