Biology, asked by karthik200411, 8 months ago

Name the plants Mendel used for his expirment. What types of propology obtained by Mendel in F1 and F2 generation when he crossed tall and short plants. What is the ratio between them.
(Please give a big answer)(don’t mess up or I will report your answer)(14 points)


Answered by Anonymous

hello brother your answer is here..

Fundamental theory of heredity

Fundamental theory of heredityMendel found that paired pea traits were either dominant or recessive. When pure-bred parent plants were cross-bred, dominant traits were always seen in the progeny, whereas recessive traits were hidden until the first-generation (F1) hybrid plants were left to self-pollinate.Mendel took a pure tall plant (TT) and crossed it with a dwarf (tt) plant. The progeny thus obtained was called F1 progeny (First filial progeny). Then he self pollinated the F1 progeny to obtain F2 generation. In F2 generation he found that 75% plants were tall and 25% were dwarf.The F1 generation results from cross-pollination of two parent (P) plants, and contained all purple flowers. The F2 generation results from self-pollination of F1 plants, and contained 75% purple flowers and 25% white flowers...

Answered by Anonymous

Mendel used Pea plant for his experiment.

Why Mendel choose pea plant only?

→ Short life span.

→ Production of large number of seeds.

→ Availability of seven different contracting characters. (for study)

Mendel was known as the father of genetics. He worked with and crossed the two pea plants with one and two pairs of contrasting characters.

Cross between two pea plants having one pair of contrasting character is known as Monohybird cross. On the other hand cross between two pea plants having two pairs of contrasting characters is known as Dihybrid cross.

In Monohybrid cross; he made a cross between a plant having Tall (TT) characters and another pea plant having short (tt) characters. Plant having characteristics of tall is Dominant trait and another having short characters is Recessive trait.

In the first generation or in F1 generation all progeny shows Tall (Tt) plant while in the second progeny or in F2 generation; the cross was between TT and Tt. Here that,

In the first generation or in F1 generation all progeny shows Tall (Tt) plant while in the second progeny or in F2 generation; the cross was between TT and Tt. Here that,Genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 (TT:Tt:tt) and Phenotypic ratio is 3:1 (Tall:Short)

In Dihybrid cross; he made a cross between a plant having round yellow seeds and another pea plant having wrinkled seeds. Round yellow seeds were denoted by RRYY and wrinkled seeds were denoted by rryy. Both pea plants were homozygous in nature (RRYY and rryy).

In the first generation all progeny shows round yellow seeds (RrYy). Because round and yellow seeds both were dominant characters (which can express themselves in next generation) whereas green and wrinkled seeds are recessive character (which can't express themselves in next generation).

Whereas in the second generation; the Phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1 (Round Yellow:Round Green: Wrinkled Yellow: Wrinkled Green)

[ Refer the attachment for Monohybrid and Dihybrid cross ]

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