paragraph on what to do when a co passenger fell ill during a train journey.
A person who is suffering with high fever requires close attention. The co-passengers needs to apply a wet cloth on his or her forehead to absorb heat from body. If there is a doctor in a train he needs to be contacted for treatment. A person can also take telemedicine with the availability of mobile phone technology. These are minimum things to be done immediately.
Few days ago I made a journey by train. It was a journey from kolkata to Delhi. My train Rajdhani Express was to
leave at 8 p.m. I got into the train and took my seat. Other passengers also took there seat. It was midnight suddenly
one of my co-passeneger said that please " please help me, I can't stay any more". I checked and saw that he had high fever. At first I
didn't understand what I should do. I became nervous. After few seconds I took out a handkerchief from my pocket and soaked it in my
water-bottle and started control the fever with his forehead. And then I inform the railway officials. They arrenged for him to be dropped off at the next station.
At that station general treatment arrenged for him. I also dailled 999 for Ambulance help at that station. I reapetedly gave water shocked handkerchief on his
forehead. I cared him as best I could until he came to the next station. It was on of the memorable day in my life. I will never forget the journey.