Q4. Debates and struggles over caste continued
beyond the colonial period and are still going on
in our own times." Do you agree with his view?
Explain. (Any three points)
Yes I agree
It means each caste has its own place in the system which cannot be taken by ... Ans. The institution of caste underwent major changes during the colonial period. ... Ans. There is no reason to believe that tribes are out of contact with the ... for Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, is marred by continuous problems
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Kannauj had been the capital of Harsha and remained an important city it was well situated in the northern plains because whoever captured Kannauj could control ganga Valley the palash the parthiharas and themselves for the control of kannauj for almost two hundred years they were so busy fighting among themselves that they did not realise how weak they were so busy fighting among themselves that they did not realise how weak they were so busy fighting among themselves that they did not realise how weak they were so busy fighting among themselves that they did not realise how weak they were so busy fighting among themselves that they did not realise how weak they were so busy fighting among themselves that they did not realise how weak they were so busy fighting among themselves that they did not realise how weak they were so busy fighting among themselves that they did not realise how weak they were so busy fighting among themselves that they did not realise how weak they