English, asked by biniroychacko5022, 1 year ago

Short eassy on the impact of shart phone in student life


Answered by aashish2005

Impact of Smartphones on Students

Published: 3rd October, 2016 Last Edited: 17th October, 2016

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Problem Statement

With the advanced technology nowadays, smartphone is viewed as a important device and an integral part of the Malaysian society. According to The Sun Daily Report, a last year concluded analysis revealed that Malaysia's smartphone penetration has increased to 63% in year 2013 from 47% in 2012, while tablet penetration has increased almost three times to become 39% from 14% (Afrizal, 2013). University students are among the highest contributors to the increasing number of smart phone sales (Jacob & Isaac, 2008). However, often use of smartphone can become a habit or dependency of student and indirectly affect their lifestyle. There are several general aspects of lifestyle have been categorized, such as health, education, psychology, socialization and security, in which may be in the positive side or the negative side.

Regarding impact of smartphone in business field, Rashedul Islam, Rofiqul Islam & Tahidul Arafhin Mazumder (2010) states that the drastic growth of the businesses during past few years is mainly because the rising use of smartphones and the mobile application. Smartphone has made the feature of advertising business sector becomes interesting and effective. However, the negative impact of smartphone is towards the PCs market as shown in survey result of year 2011, smartphone’s shipment in that full year was 487.7 millions, exceeds PCs with 17.63%. Smartphones nowadays are much more fomidable than the PCs that 10 more years ago, people are now using the smartphone to check news feed, status update and photo posting as well (Mogg, 2012). Microsoft-Intel Alliance as the long dominated of PCs also faced pressure to get into the market of mobile device. Soon, PCs may be replaced by smartphone as smartphone seems to have a optimistic growth in the future although there is still million sales of PCs in every year (eWeek, 2012).
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